Our Love Story

It was seven months after our 5th baby. He got RSV when he was a month old (that virus shot his immune system to this day). He was always sick, fussy and unhappy. I was miserable stuck in my house and feeling so desperate for happiness. I often found myself on long drives up the canyon just to get out of the house. Everyday I would text my husband saying "I couldn't do it anymore". He always made me feel better. He would respond with just what I needed to hear. "Someday you will look back and you'll miss this" or " how about you go out with your mom and sisters tonight?"

Above is just one example of why I love Lane. Our love story is different than your "average Mormon" marriage. We didn't meet in a Singles ward or at BYU. In fact we never even went to a Singles Ward. By the time we were 17 we knew that we wanted to be with each other forever. We both graduated from Pleasant Grove High school in the Spring of 2006. We married that August and had our first baby in January.

Lane and I always had the same goals and aspirations. We were able to be sealed on our 1 year anniversary. Seriously, probably my favorite day if I had to choose one. I'll never forget when they wheeled a white stroller with the most beautiful 8 month old fast asleep into our sealing room. It was magical.

Lane worked hard jobs and went to school and studied in his free time. I postponed my dream of going to school for a time to become a Mom. He continued to work hard. I continued to have babies. We laughed, danced and sometimes cried our way through the hard times. Okay, maybe I cried through the hard times. Lane never cries. We made good times and happy memories.

This is a glimpse of our love story. Its full of sacrifice, forgiveness, kindness, laughter, honesty, lots of poopy diapers and trust.



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