Embrace the crazy- 6 kids in public

This week I haven’t blogged or done any cool crafts. I haven’t made any incredible meals, unless you count the heart shaped toast with eggs in a basket on Valentine’s Day. Unfortunately, those were not blog photography worthy. But I accomplished something way bigger and better.

Lane and I took all six kids to TWO high school basketball games and we went out to eat twice as a family. Once to McDonalds (that counts, right?) and the other to Pizza Pie Café for our daughters 7-year birthday dinner.  We use to go places as a family and feel overwhelmed and embarrassed that our kids were not perfect. For a moment, we stopped going out altogether.

I’m so happy we changed our mindset. Our kids didn’t change. They still are kids. Lane and I decided to not be embarrassed when someone threw a fit that they couldn’t get a cougar tail at the BYU games or not get frustrated when each one had to go to the bathroom one after another at the movies. We decided to teach them instead.

Now, whenever we go out we don’t expect perfection, we expect a teaching moment. A moment where we teach them manners, self-control and most importantly how cool of parents we are.

I love doing things as a family. It still is not always easy. In fact, our three-year-old kept throwing his hat onto the court at one game. It sometimes is exhausting. But, it’s worth it. We are making memories that will last a lifetime. It’s amazing that changing a perspective is all you need. 
I really believe this method could be used in any aspect of parenting. Instead of expecting perfection, expect a teaching moment. 



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