The Mom Job & what they didn't tell you about parenting

The younger ones really do get spoiled.

The older ones really do get spoiled too.

Sorry middle children.

I’m always shocked at parent teacher conferences when they tell me my child is excellent.  Are we talking about the same child?

Kids are way cuter when they are good.

Sometimes I go ask google a question my 4th grader just asked me. I do not remember what sidejious means?

You’re in luck, I made that word up.

As a kid, I swore I would never say “Because I said” to my kid…and I do, because I said I do. 

How many bums I wipe a day is quite disturbing.

When the world told you to enjoy your sleep before the baby comes, they weren’t lying.

I never go anywhere without spare undies.

What’s a movie theater?

Between blowouts, spit ups, and a toddler throwing his sandwich at you because duh, he was done. You look dang good by the time your husband gets home. Also why I never wear white.

I have changed the clocks multiple times in an attempt to put the kids to bed earlier.

I do 7 peoples hair in the morning, that leaves about 0 time for my own.

I use diaper rash cream more than shaving cream, especially during boot season.

There is no such thing as privacy with littles.

When only 1 person hates dinner, I call it a success.

When you’re sick… nothing changes.

Cheers to all you Mama's. Some days are not all easy but you do it anyways because they are all that matter.  



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